Thursday, November 14, 2013
The next chapter
Sometimes along life's journey there are difficult choices
that we have to make to reach that ultimate goal you've set for yourself. It's important to keep that dream in sight, dogging the curve balls, and working hard to stay on course.
Recently I made the decision to dis member my band. It wasn't an easy decision since the guys and I are extremely close, but what I've come to realize lately is that my true love is to write. The ability to create a story that anyone can relate to, and then sit with my amazing Producer Bill Hare and give life to that story is something hard to describe. It's something you breathe and can't imagine being without.
I'm definitely not saying that I won't re-visit the band idea again,
I'm simply going to enjoy what I love the most for a while. There are so many songs just laying under the surface for me. It's time to let them out!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
The dark underbelly of Rock n Roll
Besides having talent, the single most important thing you could wrap your head around in the music industry is the business side. I'm speaking from experience when I say that no one is going to watch your back but YOU! You have heard the phrase, "Knowledge is power"? Arming yourself with the basic foundation of how the industry revolves, and how to protect your product is key. I say "product" because let's face it, that's what we are. We spend countless hours honing our craft, standing on every platform we can find shouting "Look at me!", while trying to find that back door into the spotlight, then we have to find that edge over all the millions of other very talented artists doing the exact same thing, and it's important to understand that along the way you'll encounter what I like to call.....PREDATORS!
Like any business, you will encounter those that do not want you to succeed. They may see you doing something you love, AND making money at it, or perhaps jealousy has reared it's ugly head and deep down they realize they do not have your drive and determination, and will do whatever they can to throw you off track. Honestly, this is where you'll need to dig deep and stay true and on course with your goals for your career. I personally have always taken the stance that we must support others, share their music, talk about what they're doing, and support their dream as well, and if you think about it, if you are supporting THEM, they will support YOU!
There are many ways in which a Predator in this industry may try to push you off course. If you're a Songwriter, be careful about who you share your music with. I personally have a select group of industry people I will bounce new music off of, and I learned this the hard way having a song stolen from me. Fortunately with the CDbaby Legal team and ASCAP behind me, I was able to recover my song. This brings me to another point, please, copyright your material asap. If I hadn't copyrighted my song, I would not have been able to prove the copyright infringement had taken place.
While it's great that as your career grows you will find a bigger web presence surrounding your music, I have found that it also brings out the unscrupulous as well. I have found websites selling my music for triple the price I do, my cell number listed along with my email address, (which explained why I was getting very strange voice mails), and a record label claiming I was signed to them. WHAT? This particular label even had the balls to link their site to mine. Fortunately, most of these "low lifes" will back off once you threaten legal action, so I would recommend a music industry attorney. I have a great one! Google yourself!- find out what you're being linked to out there!
Lastly, keep in mind that since you are putting yourself out there in a very big way with the Internet being a very powerful tool, you will encounter the weirdos too. I've gotten the obscene, right down to a guy that wanted to buy my shoes. This one got a little crazy, as it came into my Facebook messages, and although I blocked him, he would simply create a new profile and message me again. As of now he has stopped, but my point is that some people have nothing better to do, and see your high profile image and need to feel important. Ignore these messages, and NEVER respond publicly to these people. My experience has been that if they don't see you squirm they've got nothing! Ignore the idiots. You wanted your name and music out there right?
I could type forever with stories like above, but my point is this, we do what we do because we love it right? We want the world to know who we are, appreciate our gift of music, and be acknowledged and a force to be reckoned with, but do it smart. Arm yourself with as much information as possible.
I hope this helps everyone in some way.
Until next time!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
"The Box" Press Release
For immediate release
Editorial Contact:
Monique DeMoulin, Recording Artist, Songwriter
Phone: 661-269-5507
Monique DeMoulin, Songwriter & Recording Artist, Released Her Newest Single, A Moving, Heartwringing Original Song, “The Box,” In Collaboration with Fellow Recording Artist Rick Tucker and Grammy Winning Producer Bill Hare
Fresh on the heels of the successful release of her original song, “Part-time Princess,” and signing with Larchfork Publishing and Rock Garden Conspiracy, LLC/Gold Pan Records, the prolific and immensely talented Monique DeMoulin has released “The Box,” now available on cdbaby and iTunes.
San Jose, CA – immediate release – On the heels of the release of her newest single, Part-time Princess, Monique DeMoulin, vocalist, songwriter and recording artist, announced the release of an original song and her first single from her upcoming EP with Larchfork Publishing and Rock Garden Conspiracy, LLC/Gold Pan Records. The Box is a deeply personal song to Monique, and she is excited to bring it to life, thanks to her collaboration with Rick Tucker and Grammy Award winning producer, Bill Hare.
“’A little girl writes…a little girl heals.’ Those words have deep meaning to me,” said DeMoulin, describing her newest single, The Box. “This song is a personal favorite for me. I love the universal message it conveys, and that message is, that healing a childhood pain can often become that thing that moves us into a fulfilling path as an adult. There is something so bittersweet about a child missing a parent, but that doesn’t mean she can’t have happiness in her life, too. And that is the core of this story: Life can be rough at times, but there is still happiness to be found – and happy endings.”
DeMoulin is currently in the studio working on her first EP, performing with The Monique DeMoulin Band, and supporting independent artists as DJ “Missy D” for Jam City America radio.
To learn more about Monique DeMoulin, or to contact her, visit her website at and her blog at You can download her music at
About Monique DeMoulin
Born in Palo Alto, CA, Monique attended Adrian Wilcox High School in Santa Clara, where she formed her first band, Hexagon, with Bill Hare (who is now her producer). In 1983, she participated in the Miss Teen California pageant and took first place for her talent. While attending Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village, NV, Monique studied music and vocal performance, and received the Jim Paris and Bank of America music scholarships. After college, she found herself in the position of being a single mother, and dedicated herself to her five children, rather than music as a profession. This choice ultimately benefitted her by adding an incredible richness to her life that would take her talents to another level.
In June 2010, Monique released her first single, Have I Told You, which topped the charts on cdbaby™, making it to #1 in the Smooth Jazz category and #2 in the Adult Contemporary category. A few months later, she released, What Makes You Stay. It also topped the cdbaby charts, as #1 in downloads in the Vocal Pop category. In July 2011, she released her stunning version of You're The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me, the famous classic written by Jim Weatherly (“Midnight Train to Georgia,” “Neither One of Us”). Following its release, Monique was contacted by Weatherly about recording his not yet released song, It Wasn't Me. With his support, Monique and her Grammy-winning producer, Bill Hare, developed and released It Wasn't Me with the spirit, sound and exciting styling that is uniquely the "Monique spin."
In 2013, Monique’s career stepped into high gear with the release of her sassy, girl-empowering original song, Part-time Princess. As a result of this song, she signed on as a recording artist with Larchfork Publishing and Rock Garden Conspiracy, LLC/Gold Pan Records ( Part-time Princess was then opted to be used in the short film, “The Adventures of Shelby.” Her passion for helping other independent artists live their dreams led her to becoming a very popular DJ (“Missy D”) and station manager for Jam City America (
Monique currently resides in San Jose, California, where she performs with The Monique DeMoulin Band, is working on her first EP, and continues to give life her sublime and enchanting Monique spin.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
"The Box" ....... A personal journey within a song!
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Photography by Nicole Dalhuisen Photography |
Recording day: I was actually nervous for Bill to hear what I had so far on the song. Being that he's a Grammy award winning engineer and Producer, the bar is very high when I walk through the doors of his studio, but, I knew I had something very special. Bill liked what I had so far and we proceeded to lock ourselves in the studio for the next Twelve hours. Bill's wife Jennie was nice enough to throw us food and coffee here and there and by the time evening rolled around we had laid some great tracks. Sometimes it's very difficult to block off that much time with Bill as he's hugely in demand, but I know he knew how much this song meant to me, and how long I had waited to write and record it, and there was no one better than HIM to help me make that happen.
The song in it's released form is very close to that day I left the studio. Very little has been added since. It was important to me that the song remain very true to it's original form. Not over done or over produced, simple yet intimate. We accomplished that.
"A little girl heals"
Special thanks:
"The Box"© Monique DeMoulin, Rick Tucker
Engineered and Produced by Bill Hare
Single Photography: Nicole Dalhuisen
Photo editing: Cherie Davidson
Model: Kayla Dalhuisen
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Bill Hare, my producer, my friend.
It's almost comical to me that I've been accused of being verbose with my blog, and yet I sit here and try to articulate just the right words to express my gratitude and love for this man right here.............>
I've known Bill for over Thirty years. We grew up living next door to each other, and along with that came forming a band, and a deep connection of mutual respect and friendship. Life took many twists and turns for us both, Bill and his Mother opened a Recording Studio, and I ran off and got married. Then in 2010, after a short stint with another Producer, it seemed natural to me that I work with Bill. I'm not really sure why I hadn't before. I guess I kind of felt that my commitment level to my career wasn't to the point that I could work with someone of his caliber yet, that maybe I needed to figure out first what I wanted. I mean, he's working with major Labels, huge names, why would he work with me? It was really then that I discovered some awesome things about myself too.
See, Bill is the kind of person that guides an Artist with an easy hand, he's laid back, goofy as hell, and probably the most gifted musician I know. I don't even know how many instruments he plays, but I can tell you that every song I've released, he's played the majority of the tracks. He's known all over the world for his Engineering in the A Capella world, been portrayed in the novel "Pitch Perfect", he's received probably over 100 CASSA awards, and last year, a Grammy! Or is it two? A Capella Groups from all over the world line up to work with this man, and yet, (Don't tell anyone) many times he's pushed aside work for ME! How lucky am I?
Bill's taught me a lot. Both in my professional world, and personal life. I've learned that many times I will stumble in this crazy business, but I'm to suck it up, deal with it, learn from it, and get right back up! I've learned how to listen and appreciate all different kinds of music, and hear what's there, and what isn't. I've learned the ability to sit behind the board and literally feel him work. I've learned that when I'm sitting in the vocal booth and he pops into my headphones with direction, I know he knows what I'm capable of, and he knows how to get me there! He did pop in and call me a "Bitch" once though. I think I still owe him one for that!
I've also learned over the last three years how crucial a supportive producer can be in a music career. Someone who listens to your ideas, shares thoughts without criticism, can stand back when your adamant, and can follow behind you making sure you're grammatically correct. (He's not getting his hands on this blog post)
The interesting thing about Bill, and I relayed this to a reporter last year when I was asked, " What's it like working with a Grammy winning producer like Bill?" To which I replied, " I don't know, he's just Bill." Bill is one of the most down to earth, modest people I know. I know he's proud of the Grammy that sits in his Studio, but he's even more proud of all the great music he's mixed and mastered.
Bill, I know I can speak for all the thousands of talented musicians who've had the pleasure of working with you when I say, 'Thank you". Thank you for believing in me, and sharing your gift with us!
Now get back to work!
I've known Bill for over Thirty years. We grew up living next door to each other, and along with that came forming a band, and a deep connection of mutual respect and friendship. Life took many twists and turns for us both, Bill and his Mother opened a Recording Studio, and I ran off and got married. Then in 2010, after a short stint with another Producer, it seemed natural to me that I work with Bill. I'm not really sure why I hadn't before. I guess I kind of felt that my commitment level to my career wasn't to the point that I could work with someone of his caliber yet, that maybe I needed to figure out first what I wanted. I mean, he's working with major Labels, huge names, why would he work with me? It was really then that I discovered some awesome things about myself too.
See, Bill is the kind of person that guides an Artist with an easy hand, he's laid back, goofy as hell, and probably the most gifted musician I know. I don't even know how many instruments he plays, but I can tell you that every song I've released, he's played the majority of the tracks. He's known all over the world for his Engineering in the A Capella world, been portrayed in the novel "Pitch Perfect", he's received probably over 100 CASSA awards, and last year, a Grammy! Or is it two? A Capella Groups from all over the world line up to work with this man, and yet, (Don't tell anyone) many times he's pushed aside work for ME! How lucky am I?
Bill's taught me a lot. Both in my professional world, and personal life. I've learned that many times I will stumble in this crazy business, but I'm to suck it up, deal with it, learn from it, and get right back up! I've learned how to listen and appreciate all different kinds of music, and hear what's there, and what isn't. I've learned the ability to sit behind the board and literally feel him work. I've learned that when I'm sitting in the vocal booth and he pops into my headphones with direction, I know he knows what I'm capable of, and he knows how to get me there! He did pop in and call me a "Bitch" once though. I think I still owe him one for that!
I've also learned over the last three years how crucial a supportive producer can be in a music career. Someone who listens to your ideas, shares thoughts without criticism, can stand back when your adamant, and can follow behind you making sure you're grammatically correct. (He's not getting his hands on this blog post)
The interesting thing about Bill, and I relayed this to a reporter last year when I was asked, " What's it like working with a Grammy winning producer like Bill?" To which I replied, " I don't know, he's just Bill." Bill is one of the most down to earth, modest people I know. I know he's proud of the Grammy that sits in his Studio, but he's even more proud of all the great music he's mixed and mastered.
Bill, I know I can speak for all the thousands of talented musicians who've had the pleasure of working with you when I say, 'Thank you". Thank you for believing in me, and sharing your gift with us!
Now get back to work!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Me and my crazy life!
I actually found time to watch a movie last night. I had never seen Julia and Julie, the story about a blogger who was working her way through the Julia Child cookbook. It did keep my attention, although several times I thought to myself," I should be actually doing something!" It did remind me that I needed to write in my own blog though. I'm surprised Cherie hasn't poked me with a reminder.
Life with the band is finally settling down. We've brought on a new Bass player, wait....I should probably back up. Two months ago the band went through a total reconstruction. Upon losing our drummer, (eh, it happens) we decided everyone would switch instruments. Yup! My Guitar player Lorenzo Soto is originally a drummer, so he moved to Drums. I will say, he kicks some major ass! My Bass player Eric Alvarado, who is originally a Guitar player moved to Guitar. Cutie pie Paul on keys is the only member that stayed where he was. (I've never seen Paul at a gig without a smile) This meant all we needed was a Bass player. Yea, back in the day Bass players were a dime a dozen. Where did they all go? We found Michael Riehle and we're essentially spending loads of time re-learning the same songs on different instruments. We did manage to pull off a couple gigs during this time, but hey, this is all a process right?
I've just finished recording a new song with Bill Hare that I'm totally excited about. "The Box" has been an emotional ride for me since shelving it two years ago, but I was able to come back to it finally and it sounds really great. I'm anticipating it's release in July. They say that every musician has a few songs that sit on the shelf till their ready. This would be the case with "9,000 miles" as well. While "The Box" is barely in the can, Bill and I have started another tune I've recently pulled from the vault, and it's coming along nicely. It's funny though how lyrics that seemed so cool a year ago sound stupid now. So as Bill works the music, I'm re-writing lyrics.
Life with the Label is....well, strenuous. Yea, that's a good word. I guess their working on a tour with Live Nation or something, so there's a push for me to finish all my original songs, hence the late hours, way too much coffee, ( If there is such a thing) and pushing myself to the limits in every aspect. But hey, be careful what you wish for right?
Oh, I met the love of my life too. Somehow in all the craziness THAT happened. At some point down the road I'll share the details, but for right now the details are all for me.
I hope that everyone is happy and enjoying the start of their summer.
See you soon!
Life with the band is finally settling down. We've brought on a new Bass player, wait....I should probably back up. Two months ago the band went through a total reconstruction. Upon losing our drummer, (eh, it happens) we decided everyone would switch instruments. Yup! My Guitar player Lorenzo Soto is originally a drummer, so he moved to Drums. I will say, he kicks some major ass! My Bass player Eric Alvarado, who is originally a Guitar player moved to Guitar. Cutie pie Paul on keys is the only member that stayed where he was. (I've never seen Paul at a gig without a smile) This meant all we needed was a Bass player. Yea, back in the day Bass players were a dime a dozen. Where did they all go? We found Michael Riehle and we're essentially spending loads of time re-learning the same songs on different instruments. We did manage to pull off a couple gigs during this time, but hey, this is all a process right?
I've just finished recording a new song with Bill Hare that I'm totally excited about. "The Box" has been an emotional ride for me since shelving it two years ago, but I was able to come back to it finally and it sounds really great. I'm anticipating it's release in July. They say that every musician has a few songs that sit on the shelf till their ready. This would be the case with "9,000 miles" as well. While "The Box" is barely in the can, Bill and I have started another tune I've recently pulled from the vault, and it's coming along nicely. It's funny though how lyrics that seemed so cool a year ago sound stupid now. So as Bill works the music, I'm re-writing lyrics.
Life with the Label is....well, strenuous. Yea, that's a good word. I guess their working on a tour with Live Nation or something, so there's a push for me to finish all my original songs, hence the late hours, way too much coffee, ( If there is such a thing) and pushing myself to the limits in every aspect. But hey, be careful what you wish for right?
Oh, I met the love of my life too. Somehow in all the craziness THAT happened. At some point down the road I'll share the details, but for right now the details are all for me.
I hope that everyone is happy and enjoying the start of their summer.
See you soon!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
I found this on my Facebook wall this morning! Post from Mercury News, San Jose!
Milpitas hills producer helps San Jose vocalist advance career
Milpitas Post Staff
Posted: 05/29/2013 02:52:48 PM PDT
On the heels of the release of her newest single "Part-time Princess," vocalist and songwriter Monique DeMoulin of San Jose has also signed with Larchfork Publishing and Rock Garden Conspiracy LLC/Gold Pan Records as their newest recording artist.
DeMoulin, a disc jockey ("Missy D") for Jam City America, credits her original song "Part-time Princess" as the turning point of her career. It was produced by Grammy-winning producer Bill Hare, who lives in the Milpitas hills.
"This is such an exciting year for me," DeMoulin said. "With the independent release of 'Part-time Princess' on iTunes and, everything started to shift. I went to NAMM with my single in hand, my tiara in place and my dream in focus, and this part-time princess was determined to fully live her dream and I met Rick Tucker from Rock Garden Conspiracy, became a part of Jam City America, my song 'Part-time Princess' was opted to be used in a short film ('The Adventures of Shelby'), and before long, I signed on with Rock Garden/Gold Pan Records."
DeMoulin's current projects include her first EP, featuring her rendition of "Have I Told You," as well as original song, "The Box," a collaboration between DeMoulin and Tucker. Other songs in development include "Sober," "Slow Burn" and "Walk Away."
The EP will also include a duet with DeMoulin and Tucker on the song, "Sweet Memories."
DeMoulin is busy writing and working in the studio, and outside of that, performs with The Monique DeMoulin band.
Milpitas Post Staff
Posted: 05/29/2013 02:52:48 PM PDT
On the heels of the release of her newest single "Part-time Princess," vocalist and songwriter Monique DeMoulin of San Jose has also signed with Larchfork Publishing and Rock Garden Conspiracy LLC/Gold Pan Records as their newest recording artist.
DeMoulin, a disc jockey ("Missy D") for Jam City America, credits her original song "Part-time Princess" as the turning point of her career. It was produced by Grammy-winning producer Bill Hare, who lives in the Milpitas hills.
"This is such an exciting year for me," DeMoulin said. "With the independent release of 'Part-time Princess' on iTunes and, everything started to shift. I went to NAMM with my single in hand, my tiara in place and my dream in focus, and this part-time princess was determined to fully live her dream and I met Rick Tucker from Rock Garden Conspiracy, became a part of Jam City America, my song 'Part-time Princess' was opted to be used in a short film ('The Adventures of Shelby'), and before long, I signed on with Rock Garden/Gold Pan Records."
DeMoulin's current projects include her first EP, featuring her rendition of "Have I Told You," as well as original song, "The Box," a collaboration between DeMoulin and Tucker. Other songs in development include "Sober," "Slow Burn" and "Walk Away."
The EP will also include a duet with DeMoulin and Tucker on the song, "Sweet Memories."
DeMoulin is busy writing and working in the studio, and outside of that, performs with The Monique DeMoulin band.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Editorial Contact:
Monique DeMoulin, Recording Artist, Songwriter
Monique DeMoulin, Singer and Songwriter, Signs With Rock Garden Conspiracy, LLC/Gold Pan Records; Announces Original Single, Part-Time Princess, Used in New Short Film, “The Adventures of Shelby”
Recording artist and songwriter, Monique DeMoulin, is having an exciting year with the release of her original song, Part-time Princess, signing with a record label, interviewing independent artists as Missy D for Jam City America.... In her words, she’s “living the dream.”
San Jose, CA – immediate release – On the heels of the release of her newest single, Part-time Princess, Monique DeMoulin, vocalist and songwriter, announced she has signed with Larchfork Publishing, and with Rock Garden Conspiracy, LLC/Gold Pan Records as their newest recording artist. DeMoulin, a DJ (“Missy D”) for Jam City America, credits her original song, Part-time Princess, produced by Grammy winning producer, Bill Hare, as the turning point of her career.
“This is such an exciting year for me,” said DeMoulin. “With the independent release of Part-time
Princess on iTunes and, everything started to shift. I went to NAMM with my single in hand,
my tiara in place, and my dream in focus, and this part-time princess was determined to fully live her
dream—and I met Rick Tucker from Rock Garden Conspiracy, became a part of Jam City America, my
song, Part-time Princess was opted to be used in a short film [“The Adventures of Shelby”], and before
long, I signed on with Rock Garden/Gold Pan Records!”
Current projects include her first EP, featuring her sublime rendition of, “Have I Told You,” as well as the original song, “The Box,” a collaboration between DeMoulin and Rick Tucker. Other songs in development are “Sober,” “Slow Burn,” and “Walk Away.” The EP will also include a duet with DeMoulin and Tucker on the song, “Sweet Memories.” Monique is busy writing and working in the studio, and when she’s not in the studio or on-air, she’s performing with her band, The MoniqueDeMoulin Band.
DeMoulin is not only advancing her own career, but is passionate about helping other independent artists live their dreams. “So many positive things are happening, including the partnership of Jam City America and Rock Garden Conspiracy, making it one of the first independently owned companies solely focused on the advancement of unsigned and independent artists. This is very exciting for the music industry, and those who work so hard to put out incredible music, and devote their lives to their talents. And now that RGC and Jam City have been accepted in to the Aha Radio network, more incredible voices and talents can be heard than ever before!”
To learn more about Monique DeMoulin, or to contact her, visit her website at, and her blog at You can hear some of her music at Learn more about Rock Garden Conspiracy at
Editorial Contact:
Monique DeMoulin, Recording Artist, Songwriter
Monique DeMoulin, Singer and Songwriter, Signs With Rock Garden Conspiracy, LLC/Gold Pan Records; Announces Original Single, Part-Time Princess, Used in New Short Film, “The Adventures of Shelby”
Recording artist and songwriter, Monique DeMoulin, is having an exciting year with the release of her original song, Part-time Princess, signing with a record label, interviewing independent artists as Missy D for Jam City America.... In her words, she’s “living the dream.”
San Jose, CA – immediate release – On the heels of the release of her newest single, Part-time Princess, Monique DeMoulin, vocalist and songwriter, announced she has signed with Larchfork Publishing, and with Rock Garden Conspiracy, LLC/Gold Pan Records as their newest recording artist. DeMoulin, a DJ (“Missy D”) for Jam City America, credits her original song, Part-time Princess, produced by Grammy winning producer, Bill Hare, as the turning point of her career.

Current projects include her first EP, featuring her sublime rendition of, “Have I Told You,” as well as the original song, “The Box,” a collaboration between DeMoulin and Rick Tucker. Other songs in development are “Sober,” “Slow Burn,” and “Walk Away.” The EP will also include a duet with DeMoulin and Tucker on the song, “Sweet Memories.” Monique is busy writing and working in the studio, and when she’s not in the studio or on-air, she’s performing with her band, The MoniqueDeMoulin Band.
DeMoulin is not only advancing her own career, but is passionate about helping other independent artists live their dreams. “So many positive things are happening, including the partnership of Jam City America and Rock Garden Conspiracy, making it one of the first independently owned companies solely focused on the advancement of unsigned and independent artists. This is very exciting for the music industry, and those who work so hard to put out incredible music, and devote their lives to their talents. And now that RGC and Jam City have been accepted in to the Aha Radio network, more incredible voices and talents can be heard than ever before!”
To learn more about Monique DeMoulin, or to contact her, visit her website at, and her blog at You can hear some of her music at Learn more about Rock Garden Conspiracy at
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Monique DeMoulin Band
The Monique DeMoulin Band
Live at Neto's in Santa Clara, CA
The Monique DeMoulin Band was formed in 2011when Monique decided to take her voice live. The line-up includes Lorenzo Soto on Drums, Paul Smeets on Keyboards and Guitar, Eric Alvarado on Bass, and Branden Retter on Lead Guitar.
" What I love the most about the band is the fact that we are all so close. Yea, rehearsals get a little crazy, and no one is excluded from being picked on, but we're all there for each other no matter what."
What's very unique about the Monique DeMoulin Band is each member sings, so they are able to perform live with multiple harmonies, even jumping in with lead vocals to give Monique's voice a break.
The Monique DeMoulin Band is a Top 40 Cover Band sprinkled with a few original tunes!
To inquire about booking, please contact them at
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
My first trip to Rock Garden Conspiracy!
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Can you say "Shure endorsement?" |
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Rick Tucker plays "The Box" |
I arrived at Rick Tucker's house, CEO of Rock Garden Conspiracy mid afternoon and it was like old friends getting together for beers! We'd spent so much time talking on the phone, that we were able to jump right in and get to work on going over songs we're working on for the release of my first EP. I was anticipating and a bit nervous though about a song titled "The Box". I had written the lyrics almost two years ago, and because I was so close to them, I shelved the song, until now. Rick and I sat at the piano, and when he started to play it was that "Coming Home" feeling, and I cried. I loved what I heard, and knew that Rick had captured my emotion behind the lyrics perfectly. My Producer Bill Hare once told me that every musician has that one song, sometimes many that they just can't write, and I
guess "The Box" was that song for me, but being that the lyrics are so important to me, I'm thrilled they have come to life.
After a restless night in my hotel, ( I don't sleep well in strange places) and since I pulled a blonde move and forgot my Laptop, (Rookie move) I mentally prepared myself for a bright and cheery Studio session with a Producer for Aaron Ellis, another Rock Garden Conspiracy Recording Artist. Aaron had written a song titled "Friends", and everyone involved thought it would make a great duet. Enter ME! I had to learn the song very quickly, essentially improvising my own arrangement, and record my part with a Producer I had never worked with before, a very new and anxiety induced feeling for me. I would have given anything to have Bill Hare there with me, but it was time to put on my big girl pants!
With Rick Tucker nearby, the Recording went off without a hitch, and it was off to work the rest of the day on other songs I'm writing. Unlike "The Box", a slow pretty ballad, "Sober", a more upbeat Country/Pop tune, depicts a once close, yet very confusing relationship when there is alcohol involved. My co-writer Catherine Delgadillo has put some amazing Guitar licks on the tune, and let's just say the lyrics will grab your attention.
Back to the hotel to attempt a power nap was unsuccessful. I was performing that evening with Aaron Ellis, who's amazing by the way, for a bunch of associates of the Record Label, and it was the first time the Label would see me LIVE! I sucked it up, and worked the room like it was any other performance. It was decided that Aaron and I would perform "Friends", and for a brief moment I thought, "Oh my God, I'm gonna blank, I don't know the song well enough without holding the lyrics, I'm gonna fall on my face in front of all these people", but my mind didn't blank, and the duet was beautiful, and I will never forget turning to look at Rick Tucker and Ed Cohen's faces, eyes closed with huge smiles! The funny part of the evening was the breakdown of the gear. When I perform here in the SanFrancisco Bay area with my band, I'm used to pitching in to haul the PA, even in heels, so as I'm speaking with people after the show, I noticed from the corner of my eye, a guy struggling to get the cart loaded with speakers out the door, I rushed over to help. We got the gear down the ramp and over to the van. I had started to help him load when I hear the booming voice of Rick Tucker behind me, " What do you think you're doing? You don't load gear!"
Over breakfast Sunday morning, Rick Tucker, Ed Cohen, along with their wives and I pow-wow'd over the many details of so many things in the works for me, and discussed their recent partnership with Jam City America, an Internet Radio Station I DJ for. After way too much Chicken Fried Steak, we rolled back to the Ranch, (Rick Tucker owns a Horse Ranch) and did a Photo Shoot of the official signing of my contracts, followed by Champagne and Pringles. Yup, I said Champagne and Pringles.
It was an awesome weekend, filled with a lot of "Firsts" for me, and I truly appreciated being so well taken care of by not only Rick Tucker and Ed Cohen, but Rick's wife Brenda was amazing!
I hopped back into my car, it was time to switch gears and make the long drive home. I was kinda glad I hadn't decided to fly. Although I was anxious to get back home to my son, it gave me a good chunk of time to reflect on the entire weekend, and how far I have come so far.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Monique DeMoulin signs with Rock Garden Conspiracy/Gold Pan Records
Rock Garden Conspiracy/Gold Pan Records
They say that if you dream BIG, and work hard you will achieve your goals no matter what it is. I'm here to tell you that that is exactly the case. I'm very happy to announce that after many years of hard work, dedication, discipline, and of course everyone who stands next to me in support, I've signed with Rock Garden Conspiracy/Gold Pan Records and Larchfork Publishing. This has been MY dream, to join a team of professionals that will take me to that next level, who believe in not only my talent, but my vision.
Don't think for one minute that this means I get to lay back and enjoy the ride now though. I will be working just as hard, if not harder, but I will have Rick Tucker and Ed Cohen right beside me, along with the rest of the team at Rock Garden Conspiracy!
Remember something, if you can envision it, it's obtainable!
Monique DeMoulin
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The "Missy D Show" with Monique DeMoulin
The "Missy D Show" -- Live every Tuesday at 1:00PM Central Time on
I will tell you this, the amount of undiscovered talent out there is mind boggling.
If you're interested in being featured on my show, please send me Three original tunes, along with a Bio and any links where our listeners can learn about you to Please put in the subject box " Missy D show" interview.
Visit the Jam City Website at
Sunday, February 3, 2013
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