They say that if you dream BIG, and work hard you will achieve your goals no matter what it is. I'm here to tell you that that is exactly the case. I'm very happy to announce that after many years of hard work, dedication, discipline, and of course everyone who stands next to me in support, I've signed with Rock Garden Conspiracy/Gold Pan Records and Larchfork Publishing. This has been MY dream, to join a team of professionals that will take me to that next level, who believe in not only my talent, but my vision.
Don't think for one minute that this means I get to lay back and enjoy the ride now though. I will be working just as hard, if not harder, but I will have Rick Tucker and Ed Cohen right beside me, along with the rest of the team at Rock Garden Conspiracy!
Remember something, if you can envision it, it's obtainable!
Monique DeMoulin