I am very happy to announce that as of Tuesday Feb 5th 2013, I have joined the team at JamCityAmerica Radio. Jam City America is dedicated to featuring Independent Artists and their music, and after doing an interview with them myself, it became very clear to me that being apart of their team was right where I needed to be. As an Independent Artist myself, I totally understand how important it is to give other Artists the platform to be heard, and the response has been overwhelming. Artists from all over the world have emailing in music along with their Bio to book a spot on my show.
I will tell you this, the amount of undiscovered talent out there is mind boggling.
If you're interested in being featured on my show, please send me Three original tunes, along with a Bio and any links where our listeners can learn about you to Jamcity@live.com. Please put in the subject box " Missy D show" interview.
Visit the Jam City Website at JamCityAmerica.com